Sunday, July 1, 2018

Happy Trails---Part 3--The Project

The project...

Taking a break...

 The project consisted of hiking/biking 8 miles (I believe) on the Chisholm Trail and then completing a project on the trail. We chose to clear away the weeds around this Chisholm Trail marker. And then we picked up trash along the highway on our way back.

 The "before" picture

 The work begins, with Mr. Swank supervising.     


                                                                    The "after" picture

Monday, November 16, 2015

Happy Trails---Part 2--The Museum

The Museum...






Sunday, March 15, 2015

Happy Trails--Part 1--The Campgrounds

Chisholm Trail---Historic Trails Project
Duncan, Oklahoma

The Campgrounds...

The campgrounds and lake didn't have a whole lot to offer in the area of scenic beauty...

...although Fall was beginning to make itself known...

                     But they did have a swing set and the boys took full advantage of it!

As did the adults...

And it made for some special father-son moments...

                                                   and favorite roomie moments...



The Fire...

Duncan taught some younger scouts to build a fire.

The Cooks...

The Food...


Troop 30's favorite domestically challenged kitchen goddess realized that Mark and Karen were both celebrating birthdays in October and took it upon herself to celebrate those milestones. (nobody is hearing from me how old they were)  Karen's cake was decorated to portray a charming little campground. I thought it might be Spanish Peaks but there is no bear in evidence so obviously it depicts another campground.